Old wooden windows? Renovating an older house? Our Klima uPVC windows are a great alternative to both wooden and aluminium joinery for those clients looking to maintain a more traditional look and feel.
Based on the European Kömmerling series, our Klima uPVC windows have been specifically designed for New Zealand’s environmental conditions, have better thermal efficiency than both wood and aluminium windows, and get you as close as possible to a traditional wooden window look without the hassle of endless maintenance (no more yearly painting!). uPVC windows are also an excellent choice for customers looking to design a more thermally efficient, modern home.

Don’t uPVC windows look ‘plasticky’?
We get asked this one a lot by clients who’ve yet to see our Klima uPVC windows in the flesh. Klima is much closer to traditional white, wooden windows than its aluminium siblings and has a solid, chunky look and feel to it. We have a sample Klima window available in our showroom for our clients to view and play with – and, interestingly, it’s the first window that many of our visitors who are looking to replace older joinery gravitate towards when they walk in! Many are surprised when we tell them it’s made from uPVC.
When you say ‘designed for New Zealand’s environmental conditions’, what does that mean?
uPVC windows are very popular in Europe, however, European environmental conditions differ significantly from those of New Zealand and Australia. The uPVC our Klima windows are constructed from has been formulated to withstand New Zealand’s harsh sunlight/U.V. conditions.
How thermally efficient are your uPVC windows?
Our Klima uPVC joinery is rated a maximum six energy stars according under the WEERS (Window Energy Efficiency Rating System) when used with high performance glazing. You can find out more about window energy efficiency and ratings here, on the Window and Glass Association of New Zealand (WGANZ) Website.
Aluminium joinery or uPVC joinery – which is better?
The simple answer is the option that best suits your needs and requirements. Both aluminium and uPVC have their advantages and their limitations. For example, if you’re looking for very large sliding windows, our ALTHERM aluminium joinery is going to be better suited to your project as it can accommodate bigger dimensions than uPVC. After maximum thermal efficiency? Klima’s got the edge.